Sport and Art award

The Sport and Art Award is presented each year in recognition of an individual or group that significantly contributes to sport or art that benefits the people of the town.

Buckingham Summer Music Festival – 2024
In recognition for bringing a week of beautiful live classical music to our town.

Buckingham Art for All – 2023
In recognition for being a strong and vibrant local group that encourages and supports local artists.

Buckingham Ukulele Group2022
In recognition of their outstanding contribution to the local community through enhancing the cultural life in Buckingham.

Lace Hill Residents’ Association – 2021
In recognition for the creation of the Lace Hill snake.

The Buckingham Pantomime – 2019
In recognition of their successful 35 year history delivering community pantomime productions.

The Buckingham School Drama & Dance Department – 2018
For their work building confidence in young people in the community.

The Royal Latin School – 2017
For specific achievements in rugby, football, rowing, badminton, and netball.

The Buckingham School and The Royal Latin School – 2016
For their continuing work with joint arts projects.

Buckingham Women’s Hockey Team – 2015
For their outstanding achievements.

If you would like to make a nomination for the Sport and Art Award, please get in touch with the Town Clerk so the Town Council can review your request. Please be aware that nominations are made annually and awarded to recipients at the Mayor’s Reception each year.

11 October 2023
Last Updated
17 July 2024