Interested in protecting Buckingham’s Green Environment?
Buckingham has a wealth of wonderful local community groups that work to improve the environment including the Railway Walk Conservation Group, The Buckingham Society, Buckingham Edible Woodland and the Buckingham Canal Society.
Buckingham Town Council has direct involvement with the River Warden, Tree Warden and new Flood Warden schemes. Full details about how to get involved are available below.
All of the group mentioned are part of the Buckingham Community Wildlife Project.
Flood Wardens
The Town Council is currently looking for volunteers to help alert residents in the event of flooding in the town. If you would like to be involved, please email the Town Council at office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk and ask to be added to the list of interested people.
River Wardens
River Wardens also meet regularly for information sessions, learning more about the river, its health and how to look after it. The river wardens are focused on the health of the river, not flooding.
The River Wardens are a group of volunteers formed following the serious pollution incident in June 2018, which seriously impacted most of the fish and insect life in the river for about 25km downstream from Brackley, who now monitor the quality of the river. The group carry out monthly surveys for the Riverfly Partnership at a site in Chandos Park of certain aquatic insect species to determine the ‘health’ of our river.If you would like further information or are interested in joining the River Wardens, please email Simon Bumstead at info@bdaafishing.org.uk
Buckingham River Wardens (bdaafishing.org.uk)

Tree Wardens
Tree wardens are volunteers who gather information about their local trees, get involved in local tree planting projects.
Please see our information leaflet for more information, or to sign up please email: office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk or contact the Town Council office on 01280 816 426.
Community Gardening
Have you ever wanted to transform your local greenspace into a glorious vegetable garden or give unloved community spaces a horticultural overhaul? Well, you’re not alone! Buckingham has a number of individuals that successfully tend small areas of planting across the town providing small gardens and green spaces for residents to enjoy. If this sounds like something you would like to do, read our guidance on community gardening.