Buckingham Town Council may remove any banner which does not have permission for display from Buckinghamshire Council or (within the town area) the Town Council. Banners may be used to advertise local events on the railings of the town centre in
Buckingham, where they are not a traffic hazard both in themselves or by causing drivers to slow or stop to read them. Banner slot bookings are free, but permission must be given by the Council.
To enquire about availability and booking of a banner space, please contact : office@buckingham-tc.gov.uk or on 01280 816426.
The full policy is available on our policies page.
Who can book a banner space?
- Local one-off events by not-for-profit groups can use banner spaces to advertise.
- Commercial advertising, including special offers/business open days or for recruitment is not allowed. Commercial advertising is subject to planning permission via Buckinghamshire Council.
Locations that can be booked
- Cattle Pens – High Street opposite the exit to Cornwalls Meadow Car Park. Maximum banner size 6ft by 4ft.
- Old Gaol – Market Hill. Maximum banner size: 6ft by 3ft.