In an extremely busy 2022 for Buckingham Town Council, several volunteer roles changed hands, with long standing Mace Bearer Barbra Farmer stepping down after more than 35 years of service. The role has been filled by two volunteers, Terry Bloomfield, previous Councillor, and Ruth Newell, previous Mayor of Buckingham.
The role of Town Crier has also changed with Russell Cross stepping down after 12 years in the role. He said “Thank you for allowing me to be your Town Crier from 2008 to 2023. Tradition achieves the sense of being, belonging, believing and benevolence. May it always be celebrated in this beautiful market town for future generations.”
After a trial in Cornwall’s Meadow in March, the new Town Crier is Patrick Laws. The new Town Crier said “I’m honoured to be part of a centuries old tradition in the fine town of Buckingham.” And will attend his first event as Town Crier at the traditional May Day Maypole Dancing event.
Buckingham Town Council’s Town Centre and Events Committee voted to publicise the work of Town Council staff and volunteers through an extremely busy 2022 – 2023 events season. The Council usually runs or supports up to a whopping 49 events a year, with extra events in 2022 pushing it over 50.
Councillor Robin Stuchbury, chair of the Town Centre and Events committee said “It’s important to say, and it isn’t said enough that we have a tremendous team of officers who through Covid and challenging circumstances have managed to keep the portfolio of events progressing delivering on time, in budget and supporting the community and liaising with traders and businesses in town.”
Events that are fully Council run include large scale events: Bonfire and Fireworks, the Christmas Lights Switch On and Celebrate Buckingham Day as well as smaller ventures like craft fairs, free basketball sessions and the annual Pancake Races.
Events run by local community or volunteer groups, including Music in the Market, the Remembrance Parade, BandJam’s Big Bash and the Christmas Parade also receive financial support, help with staffing, road closures, and event management from Town Council staff.
2022 brought with it a number of additional events including the Platinum Jubilee, and then just a few months later, events to mark the Death of Queen Elizabeth II, including The Reading of the Proclamation of the Accession. May 2023 will also have additional events designed to mark the Coronation of King Charles III. Amongst this, there were several staffing changes including the new Town Clerk and Deputy Town Clerk.
Members of the Committee wanted to thank Town Council staff for their work in organising and working at these events.