Home Your Town Council News Buckingham News Pancake races flipping huge success

Pancake races flipping huge success

Buckingham Pancake races saw their biggest-ever turnout. More than 80 children and adults donned their pinny and baker’s caps to race across St Peter & St Paul’s Church Green with their frying pans. Each race was hotly contested, with three deserving winners.
The winners were:
Under 5s:
1) Wilf Richmond-Watson
2) Orla*
3) Elizabeth*

Age 6 – 11:
1) Tyrese*
2) Jasper Snell
3) Elsie Stewart

Age 12 – 16:
1) Ted Snell
2) Anna*
3) Fiona*

1) Robert Snell
2) Ian Tichener
3) Tony Lee

Relay race teams:
1) Destroyers
2) Middlefield
3) Buckingham Blues

The winning of 9 teams in the relay race were the ‘Destroyers’. The team was made of four children’s race contestants who streaked ahead of the adult and mixed teams to win the race. Well done to that team!

Alongside the races was the Town Council’s pop-up Art in the Market stalls, offering free art materials to anyone who want to sit down and have a go at getting creative.

The BART bus also attended, showcasing it’s two wheelchair accessible vehicles, which include a minibus and an accessible car which can accommodate a wheelchair and four seated passengers, this allows families without their own wheelchair accessible car to take journeys together, including overnight and can be hired for a small fee.

Cllr. Robin Stutchbury, Chair of the Town Centre & Events Committee said that: “It was good to see so many young people come and take part in the pancake race, the numbers were clearly higher than other years. And there were so many adult contestants we had to run two races and a final. I’d like to thank the staff who set up the event and provided art activities for the children that weren’t racing. I hope people will also take advantage of the BART bus in the future, it’s a great community asset.”

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20 February 2023
Last Updated
24 April 2023