Visitor and residents of Buckingham can now help tackle lazy littering by accessing community clean up kits for use in our parks and town centre. The community equipment is a way of supporting everyone who wants to do their bit to create a better environment on their doorstep.
As part of the Government’s Welcome Back Fund, Buckingham Town Council has received 30 x litter pickers, collection hoops and high vis jackets for community groups to borrow. The scheme encourages people to take pride in their surroundings and make it easier to access the right equipment for a litter pick. The litter picking equipment is made from 100% recycled polypropylene fishing gear. Using recycled tools reduces unnecessary plastic production and waste – making the positive environmental impact of litter picking with our kit a double whammy!
The equipment is stored at Buckingham Town Council’s depot and can be accessed via information on the Town Council’s website or calling the office on 01280 816426. Full guidance on how to access the equipment and tips on running a successful community litter pick can be found on the Town Council’s website.
Pupils from Buckingham Primary School were the first to have a go, organising a week of litter busting activities. The children managed to fill several bags of rubbish from the parks, paths and town centre.
Cllr. Anja Schaefer, Chair of Environment Committee said “This new equipment will be a great boost for members of the community to become involved. I would encourage everyone to make use of them and perhaps organise a group for a communal litter pick, which is great fun as well as helping keep Buckingham looking great”.
Litter remains a big problem across the country. Not only is it unsightly, but it devalues the local area, pollutes the environment, causes harm to residents and wildlife and is expensive to remove, which ultimately costs council taxpayers money. Each year Buckingham Town Council supports the Keep Britain Tidy campaigns through our annual River Rinses and #QuickLitterPick schemes. If you would like to organise a litter busting event then please contact the Town Council on 01280 816426 or email