Hundreds of local people gathered on Sunday 23rd April to attend this year’s family-friendly Spring Green Fair. In total 17 organisations, local companies and charity groups were at the fair at in Buckingham’s ancient Cattle Pens showcasing some of the best of Buckinghamshire’s sustainable economy. The sun shone and visors were entertained with an uplifting set by Buckingham Ukulele Group.

There was a wide variety of goods and services on offer ranging from the WI’s hand-knitted coronation crowns, sustainable homewares, food and drink, jewellery, skincare and beauty products, homemade baked goods, garden products, as well as preloved teddy bears and renovated bicycles!

Traders included The Greener Padbury Group who hosted an activity on how to create a bird feeder form seeds and apples. Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust, El Finca Monte, Greatmoor Energy from Waste and Buckinghamshire Community Energy drew a crowd interested in reducing waste and save energy.
The Town Council hosted a ‘build your own bug hotel’ stall with recycled materials and garden waste. Town Councillors were on hand to distrusted wildflower seeds and answer questions on the Climate Emergency Action Plan. Cllrs. Gately and Hetherington were on hand to promote the activities of the Railway Walk Conservation Group and seek volunteer coordinators to sustain the group’s future activities.
Fixers from Cycles Saviours were on hand to offer advice on how to maintain your bike for cost efficient travel. They were also selling refurbished bikes and accepting donated bikes and bike parts for reselling or recycling.

Cllr Robin Stuchbury, Chairman of the Town Centre & Events Committee said:
“It was a tremendous day, so much for so many people to take part in. It was very well attended, with very committed people on all the stalls, passing on their experiences & knowledge around the environment, both locally and nationally. Working together on a shared experience will contribute greatly to the well-being of our local environment. Of course, none of this would’ve been possible without the constant support of our Town Council team, who helped coordinate and run the event.”
The exhibitors involved included:
Rolling Oats Refill Van |
Community Energy Bucks |
Waste Prevention Greatmoor Energy from Waste |
Upper Thames Branch of Butterfly Conservation |
Finca El Monte |
Buckingham’s Men in Sheds |
Bucks Womens Institute Climate Ambassador and Buckingham WI |
Friends of Bourton Meadow |
Berks Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust |
Carbon Literacy Project |
Buckingham River Wardens |
Milton Keynes Christian Foundation Cycle Saviours |
The Larder Café, Manor farm |
Green Padbury |
Buckingham Ukulele Group |
For enquiries, please contact Buckingham Town Council on 01280 816426,